Friday 5 September 2008

Barack Obama - Wed, Bed or Dead?

OK, so having done a little piece on the suicide-ride that McCain has chosen to run with him, lets turn our attention to 'policies' Obama.

First up lets trawl his website Yep, its the usual blend of sickening text, gut-wrenching imagery and the 'hey I'm cool' website feel. I especially loathe the 'welcome Hilary supporters' link. Surely you are all Democrats regardless aren't you??? So why this link, or do some out there only follow one person regardless? Nuts.

His policy on Iran has caused a lot of concern. It would appear that if you vote Republican then regardless of the real threat, Iran gets smashed and the world faces the consequences of more unilateral American military action. Vote Democrat and Barack will be carrying on with them as normal until they are threatening to chuck bombs across the middle east. However, I kinda want to WED Barack for this stance as at least he sounds like he will talk to these people rather than just backing them into a corner and making them more likely to do something to get out of it.

I am not sure about bedding Obama but I bet he would LOVE to BED the Republican team. Their selection of the Independent-Alaska, never been out of the USA, against abortion, animal shooting, gun-toting, mother of five, mother of a teen pregnancy disaster zone that is Sarah Palin is a masterstoke. A woman who talks about choice but wants to ban abortion, taking away, yep you guessed it...choice for others. Anyone who thinks that a rape victim should be forced to have the rapists baby deserves nothing but contempt from any right-minded is the 21st century not the middle ages FFS.

Look at the front page of cnn today and Barack is not mentioned ONCE. He doesn't need to be, the Republicans are creating enough neagative press to fill acres of webspace, all the time taking the floaters eyes away from probing to deeply what Obama ACTUALLY thinks on just about anything.

So what is my current verdict on Barack Obama? Well I am not going to wed him, his policies are not clear enough yet. I am not going to dead him because the alternative is the Vietnam-vet and the no-choice baby-machine, so for the minute I'm just gonna jump into BED with Barack.

To play the game 'wed bed or dead' then visit the site at and sign-up for your free account in two minutes right now.

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